Comienzo esta pregunta con un par de funciones C++ que serán útiles para mostrar algunos resultados. Así que empieza tu Visual Studio C++ Express o Ceemple o lo que quieras y copia y pega esto:
#include <ql/quantlib.hpp>
#include <boost/timer.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace QuantLib;
namespace QuantLib {
Integer sessionId() { return 0; }
Después de la introducción estándar, la primera función actúa como una pequeña envoltura: toma un shared_ptr
de BlackVolTermStructure
plantilla y algunos datos, se construye una curva de tipo libre de riesgo cero-plana y una BlackProcess
se construye; por lo tanto, se devuelve el VAN de la opción.
double EurVanillaSurfacePricerBlack(boost::shared_ptr<BlackVolTermStructure> forwardVolSurface, Option::Type type, Real underlying, Real strike, Date maturity)
Rate riskFreeRate = 0.00;
DayCounter dayCounter = Actual365Fixed();
Calendar calendar = TARGET();
Natural settlementDays = 3;
// exercise
boost::shared_ptr<Exercise> europeanExercise(
new EuropeanExercise(maturity));
// underlying
Handle<Quote> underlyingH(boost::shared_ptr<Quote>(
new SimpleQuote(underlying)));
// bootstrap the yield curve
Handle<YieldTermStructure> flatTermStructure(
new FlatForward(settlementDays, calendar, riskFreeRate, dayCounter)));
// payoff
boost::shared_ptr<StrikedTypePayoff> payoff(
new PlainVanillaPayoff(type, strike));
// process
boost::shared_ptr<BlackProcess> blackProcess(
new BlackProcess(underlyingH, flatTermStructure, Handle<BlackVolTermStructure>(forwardVolSurface)));
// options
VanillaOption europeanOption(payoff, europeanExercise);
new AnalyticEuropeanEngine(blackProcess)));
double optionValue = europeanOption.NPV();
La misma función puede escribirse utilizando BlackScholesMertonProcess
en lugar de BlackProcess
y, por supuesto, especificando una estructura de plazos de rentabilidad de dividendos debido a que ya no estamos utilizando el precio a plazo subyacente... pero aquí lo ponemos todo a cero, tanto el tipo libre de riesgo como la rentabilidad de dividendos, dando así a la función estructuras de plazos planas y sin sentido:
double EurVanillaSurfacePricerBSM(boost::shared_ptr<BlackVolTermStructure> forwardVolSurface, Option::Type type, Real underlying, Real strike, Date maturity)
Spread dividendYield = 0.00;
Rate riskFreeRate = 0.00;
DayCounter dayCounter = Actual365Fixed();
Calendar calendar = TARGET();
Natural settlementDays = 3;
// exercise
boost::shared_ptr<Exercise> europeanExercise(
new EuropeanExercise(maturity));
// underlying
Handle<Quote> underlyingH(boost::shared_ptr<Quote>(
new SimpleQuote(underlying)));
// bootstrap the yield curve and the dividend curve
Handle<YieldTermStructure> flatTermStructure(
new FlatForward(settlementDays, calendar, riskFreeRate, dayCounter)));
Handle<YieldTermStructure> flatDividendTS(
new FlatForward(settlementDays, calendar, dividendYield, dayCounter)));
// payoff
boost::shared_ptr<StrikedTypePayoff> payoff(
new PlainVanillaPayoff(type, strike));
// process
boost::shared_ptr<BlackScholesMertonProcess> bsmProcess(
new BlackScholesMertonProcess(underlyingH, flatDividendTS, flatTermStructure, Handle<BlackVolTermStructure>(forwardVolSurface)));
// options
VanillaOption europeanOption(payoff, europeanExercise);
new AnalyticEuropeanEngine(bsmProcess)));
double optionValue = europeanOption.NPV();
Según lo poco que sé de teoría de opciones, no debería haber ninguna diferencia entre ambas funciones: $$F(t)=S(0)e^{[r(t)-q(t)]t},$$ donde $q$ y $r$ son cero para cada vencimiento, por lo que $F=S(0)$ para cada madurez.
La tercera función es una pequeña variación sobre el mismo tema: en lugar de utilizar constructores estándar que requieren estructuras de términos, introducimos un valor de volatilidad constante en una superficie plana:
double EurVanillaPricer(Volatility volatility, Option::Type type, Real underlying, Real strike, Date maturity)
Spread dividendYield = 0.00;
Rate riskFreeRate = 0.00;
DayCounter dayCounter = Actual365Fixed();
Calendar calendar = TARGET();
// This was "Natural settlementDays = 3;" before Luigi Ballabio's correction
Natural settlementDays = 0;
// exercise
boost::shared_ptr<Exercise> europeanExercise(
new EuropeanExercise(maturity));
// underlying
Handle<Quote> underlyingH(boost::shared_ptr<Quote>(
new SimpleQuote(underlying)));
// bootstrap the yield/dividend/vol curves
Handle<YieldTermStructure> flatTermStructure(
new FlatForward(settlementDays, calendar, riskFreeRate, dayCounter)));
Handle<YieldTermStructure> flatDividendTS(
new FlatForward(settlementDays, calendar, dividendYield, dayCounter)));
Handle<BlackVolTermStructure> flatVolTS(
new BlackConstantVol(settlementDays, calendar, volatility, dayCounter)));
// payoff
boost::shared_ptr<StrikedTypePayoff> payoff(
new PlainVanillaPayoff(type, strike));
// process
boost::shared_ptr<BlackScholesMertonProcess> bsmProcess(
new BlackScholesMertonProcess(underlyingH, flatDividendTS, flatTermStructure, flatVolTS));
// options
VanillaOption europeanOption(payoff, europeanExercise);
new AnalyticEuropeanEngine(bsmProcess)));
double optionValue = europeanOption.NPV();
Por último, pero no menos importante, permítanme presentar una envoltura de superficie de volatilidad hacia adelante:
boost::shared_ptr<BlackVolTermStructure> ForwardImpliedVolSurface(Date todaysDate, Date forwardDate, Calendar calendar, std::vector<Date> maturityArray, std::vector<Real> strikeArray, Matrix volatilityMatrix)
// Handle to boost::shared_ptr
DayCounter dayCounter = Actual365Fixed();
boost::shared_ptr<BlackVarianceSurface> volatilitySurface(new BlackVarianceSurface(todaysDate, calendar, maturityArray, strikeArray, volatilityMatrix, dayCounter));
Handle<BlackVolTermStructure> volatilitySurfaceH(volatilitySurface);
// Volatility surface interpolation
// Change interpolator to bicubic splines
// Forward implied volatility surface
boost::shared_ptr<BlackVolTermStructure> forwardVolSurface(new ImpliedVolTermStructure(volatilitySurfaceH, forwardDate));
¿Cuáles son los resultados de estas funciones? Veamos:
int main() {
try {
boost::timer timer;
std::cout << std::endl;
/* +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* | Date and calendars parameters
* +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* */
// set up dates
Calendar calendar = TARGET();
Date todaysDate(03, Jul, 2014);
Date settlementDate = calendar.advance(todaysDate, 3, Days);
Settings::instance().evaluationDate() = todaysDate;
// Maturity dates array
Date expiry1(15, Aug, 2014);
Date expiry2(19, Sep, 2014);
Date expiry3(19, Dec, 2014);
Date expiry4(20, Mar, 2015);
Date expiry5(19, Jun, 2015);
std::vector<Date> maturityArray;
// Strikes array
std::vector<Real> strikeArray;
for(int i = 2975; i < 2975 + (26 * 25); i = i + 25)
// Implied volatility matrix
Matrix volatilityMatrix(26, 5);
volatilityMatrix[0][0] = 0.198989 ; volatilityMatrix[0][1] = 0.182889 ; volatilityMatrix[0][2] = 0.182256 ; volatilityMatrix[0][3] = 0.183319 ; volatilityMatrix[0][4] = 0.202197 ;
volatilityMatrix[1][0] = 0.192338 ; volatilityMatrix[1][1] = 0.178463 ; volatilityMatrix[1][2] = 0.17982 ; volatilityMatrix[1][3] = 0.181494 ; volatilityMatrix[1][4] = 0.201261 ;
volatilityMatrix[2][0] = 0.185184 ; volatilityMatrix[2][1] = 0.174239 ; volatilityMatrix[2][2] = 0.177315 ; volatilityMatrix[2][3] = 0.179669 ; volatilityMatrix[2][4] = 0.200291 ;
volatilityMatrix[3][0] = 0.178718 ; volatilityMatrix[3][1] = 0.170046 ; volatilityMatrix[3][2] = 0.175143 ; volatilityMatrix[3][3] = 0.177845 ; volatilityMatrix[3][4] = 0.19928 ;
volatilityMatrix[4][0] = 0.172647 ; volatilityMatrix[4][1] = 0.166123 ; volatilityMatrix[4][2] = 0.172826 ; volatilityMatrix[4][3] = 0.176046 ; volatilityMatrix[4][4] = 0.198271 ;
volatilityMatrix[5][0] = 0.166556 ; volatilityMatrix[5][1] = 0.162275 ; volatilityMatrix[5][2] = 0.170328 ; volatilityMatrix[5][3] = 0.174391 ; volatilityMatrix[5][4] = 0.19764 ;
volatilityMatrix[6][0] = 0.160933 ; volatilityMatrix[6][1] = 0.158344 ; volatilityMatrix[6][2] = 0.16825 ; volatilityMatrix[6][3] = 0.172892 ; volatilityMatrix[6][4] = 0.197454 ;
volatilityMatrix[7][0] = 0.155747 ; volatilityMatrix[7][1] = 0.154688 ; volatilityMatrix[7][2] = 0.166199 ; volatilityMatrix[7][3] = 0.17105 ; volatilityMatrix[7][4] = 0.196211 ;
volatilityMatrix[8][0] = 0.150464 ; volatilityMatrix[8][1] = 0.151097 ; volatilityMatrix[8][2] = 0.164325 ; volatilityMatrix[8][3] = 0.16875 ; volatilityMatrix[8][4] = 0.193533 ;
volatilityMatrix[9][0] = 0.145234 ; volatilityMatrix[9][1] = 0.147602 ; volatilityMatrix[9][2] = 0.16217 ; volatilityMatrix[9][3] = 0.16793 ; volatilityMatrix[9][4] = 0.195104 ;
volatilityMatrix[10][0] = 0.140751 ; volatilityMatrix[10][1] = 0.144357 ; volatilityMatrix[10][2] = 0.160261 ; volatilityMatrix[10][3] = 0.169107 ; volatilityMatrix[10][4] = 0.202441 ;
volatilityMatrix[11][0] = 0.136502 ; volatilityMatrix[11][1] = 0.141208 ; volatilityMatrix[11][2] = 0.158546 ; volatilityMatrix[11][3] = 0.165058 ; volatilityMatrix[11][4] = 0.194346 ;
volatilityMatrix[12][0] = 0.13342 ; volatilityMatrix[12][1] = 0.138357 ; volatilityMatrix[12][2] = 0.156949 ; volatilityMatrix[12][3] = 0.15057 ; volatilityMatrix[12][4] = 0.155503 ;
volatilityMatrix[13][0] = 0.104896 ; volatilityMatrix[13][1] = 0.119273 ; volatilityMatrix[13][2] = 0.128517 ; volatilityMatrix[13][3] = 0.136208 ; volatilityMatrix[13][4] = 0.116855 ;
volatilityMatrix[14][0] = 0.10099 ; volatilityMatrix[14][1] = 0.115047 ; volatilityMatrix[14][2] = 0.125638 ; volatilityMatrix[14][3] = 0.132476 ; volatilityMatrix[14][4] = 0.109273 ;
volatilityMatrix[15][0] = 0.100313 ; volatilityMatrix[15][1] = 0.114395 ; volatilityMatrix[15][2] = 0.125642 ; volatilityMatrix[15][3] = 0.133834 ; volatilityMatrix[15][4] = 0.117099 ;
volatilityMatrix[16][0] = 0.0981065 ; volatilityMatrix[16][1] = 0.112273 ; volatilityMatrix[16][2] = 0.124137 ; volatilityMatrix[16][3] = 0.132863 ; volatilityMatrix[16][4] = 0.118885 ;
volatilityMatrix[17][0] = 0.0962976 ; volatilityMatrix[17][1] = 0.109955 ; volatilityMatrix[17][2] = 0.122498 ; volatilityMatrix[17][3] = 0.130647 ; volatilityMatrix[17][4] = 0.116549 ;
volatilityMatrix[18][0] = 0.0950343 ; volatilityMatrix[18][1] = 0.107924 ; volatilityMatrix[18][2] = 0.121311 ; volatilityMatrix[18][3] = 0.129627 ; volatilityMatrix[18][4] = 0.116142 ;
volatilityMatrix[19][0] = 0.094729 ; volatilityMatrix[19][1] = 0.106211 ; volatilityMatrix[19][2] = 0.119952 ; volatilityMatrix[19][3] = 0.12918 ; volatilityMatrix[19][4] = 0.116873 ;
volatilityMatrix[20][0] = 0.0952533 ; volatilityMatrix[20][1] = 0.104712 ; volatilityMatrix[20][2] = 0.118585 ; volatilityMatrix[20][3] = 0.128231 ; volatilityMatrix[20][4] = 0.116804 ;
volatilityMatrix[21][0] = 0.0977423 ; volatilityMatrix[21][1] = 0.103553 ; volatilityMatrix[21][2] = 0.117229 ; volatilityMatrix[21][3] = 0.126978 ; volatilityMatrix[21][4] = 0.116249 ;
volatilityMatrix[22][0] = 0.0992171 ; volatilityMatrix[22][1] = 0.102743 ; volatilityMatrix[22][2] = 0.115987 ; volatilityMatrix[22][3] = 0.125834 ; volatilityMatrix[22][4] = 0.115905 ;
volatilityMatrix[23][0] = 0.102137 ; volatilityMatrix[23][1] = 0.1025 ; volatilityMatrix[23][2] = 0.114716 ; volatilityMatrix[23][3] = 0.124794 ; volatilityMatrix[23][4] = 0.115759 ;
volatilityMatrix[24][0] = 0.108426 ; volatilityMatrix[24][1] = 0.102351 ; volatilityMatrix[24][2] = 0.113496 ; volatilityMatrix[24][3] = 0.123768 ; volatilityMatrix[24][4] = 0.115648 ;
volatilityMatrix[25][0] = 0.111779 ; volatilityMatrix[25][1] = 0.102869 ; volatilityMatrix[25][2] = 0.112514 ; volatilityMatrix[25][3] = 0.12274 ; volatilityMatrix[25][4] = 0.11554 ;
/* +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* | Forward volatility (ref. pag. 154-157 of "Dynamic Hedging - Managing Vanilla and Exotic Options")
* +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* */
// As instance, go 15 days forward
Date forwardDate = calendar.advance(todaysDate, 15, Days);
boost::shared_ptr<BlackVolTermStructure> forwardVolSurface = ForwardImpliedVolSurface(todaysDate, forwardDate, calendar, maturityArray, strikeArray, volatilityMatrix);
Option::Type typeCall(Option::Call);
Option::Type typePut(Option::Put);
Real underlying = 3289.75;
double myOption4;
myOption4 = EurVanillaSurfacePricerBlack(forwardVolSurface, typeCall, underlying, 3300, expiry3);
double myOption5;
myOption5 = EurVanillaSurfacePricerBSM(forwardVolSurface, typeCall, underlying, 3300, expiry3);
double myOption6;
myOption6 = EurVanillaPricer(forwardVolSurface->blackVol(expiry3, 3300), typeCall, underlying, 3300, expiry3);
// Amend evaluation date...
Settings::instance().evaluationDate() = forwardDate;
double myOption1;
myOption1 = EurVanillaSurfacePricerBlack(forwardVolSurface, typeCall, underlying, 3300, expiry3);
double myOption2;
myOption2 = EurVanillaSurfacePricerBSM(forwardVolSurface, typeCall, underlying, 3300, expiry3);
double myOption3;
myOption3 = EurVanillaPricer(forwardVolSurface->blackVol(expiry3, 3300), typeCall, underlying, 3300, expiry3);
return 0;
} catch (std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
} catch (...) {
std::cerr << "unknown error" << std::endl;
return 1;
¿Cuáles son los resultados? Bueno, por supuesto que el modelo Black y el modelo BSM con estructuras de términos planos y nulos devuelven los mismos valores, es decir $105.743$ para ambas opciones. Sin embargo, a pesar de esto, la selección "manual" de la volatilidad implícita a utilizar desde la superficie de volatilidad implícita a través de forwardVolSurface->blackVol(expiry3, 3300)
devuelve un valor muy diferente, es decir, $103.858$ .
¿Cómo explicaría esta diferencia?
Lo que me temo es... el desplazamiento automático de la superficie de volatilidad cuando se modifica la fecha de evaluación. Intenté escribir código para evitar tal comportamiento reteniendo asas revinculables en las funciones, para que sean destruidas una vez que la función termina.
Pero no estoy seguro de que funcione como se pretende.