Abajo están mis códigos usando QuantLib para construir una estructura de plazos Lo que me gustaría hacer es utilizarlo para fijar el precio de cualquier bono hipotético, por ejemplo
fecha de inicio : 8 Feb 2016 fecha de finalización : 8 Feb 2021 cupones : 10% semi
¿Cómo lo hago?
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import QuantLib as ql
import pandas as pd
# Deposit rates
depo_maturities = [ql.Period(1,ql.Months),ql.Period(3,ql.Months),ql.Period(6,ql.Months)]
depo_cpn = [.149,.165,.155] #yields they are trading at
maturity_days = [299,845,1210,1485,1895,2306,2671,3128,3494,3904,4453,5275,7101,8699,10526,13629,18834]
# Coupon Bonds
bond_maturities = [ql.Period(i, ql.Days) for i in maturity_days]
bond_cpn = [1.5,.5,.75,1,.625,1.5,1.25,1.625,.875,4.75]
bond_rates = [.106,.114,.151,.187,.252,.214,.272,.311,.4089,.474]
bond_quotes = [101.161,100.896,101.987,103.301,101.926,108.078,107.088,111.111,104.374,144.568]
bond_long_cpn = [4.25, 4.5, 4.25, 3.25, 1.75, 1.75, 1.625] # coupons
bond_long_rates = [.593, .667, .767, .858, .848, .669, .543] # yields
bond_long_quotes = [142.974, 152.719, 162.806, 151.432, 123.016, 135.634, 148.58]
'''####### Depo Helpers #########'''
calc_date = ql.Date(24, 3, 2020)
ql.Settings.instance().evaluationDate = calc_date
calendar = ql.UnitedKingdom()
business_convention = ql.Unadjusted
day_count = ql.Thirty360()
end_of_month = True
settlement_days = 0
face_amount = 100
coupon_frequency = ql.Period(ql.Annual)
# Create depo helpers
depo_helpers = [ql.DepositRateHelper(ql.QuoteHandle(ql.SimpleQuote(r / 100.0)),
for r, m in zip(depo_cpn, depo_maturities)]
'''####### Bonds Helpers #########'''
# day_count = ql.Thirty360()
day_count = ql.Actual365Fixed()
end_of_month = True
settlement_days = 2
# create fixed rate bond helpers from fixed rate bonds
bond_cpn += bond_long_cpn
# bond_maturities += bond_long_maturities
bond_quotes += bond_long_quotes
bond_rates += bond_long_rates
bond_helpers = []
for r, m, q in zip(bond_cpn, bond_maturities, bond_quotes):
termination_date = calc_date + m
quote = ql.QuoteHandle(ql.SimpleQuote(q))
schedule = ql.MakeSchedule(calc_date, termination_date, frequency=ql.Annual)
helper = ql.FixedRateBondHelper(quote, settlement_days, face_amount, schedule, [r / 100.0], day_count,
# The yield curve is constructed by putting the two helpers together.
rate_helpers = depo_helpers + bond_helpers
yieldcurve = ql.PiecewiseLogCubicDiscount(calc_date, rate_helpers, day_count)
# The spot cpn is obtined from yieldcurve object using the zeroRate method.
spots = []
tenors = []
for d in yieldcurve.dates():
yrs = day_count.yearFraction(calc_date, d)
compounding = ql.Compounded
freq = ql.Annual
zero_rate = yieldcurve.zeroRate(yrs, compounding, freq)
eq_rate = zero_rate.equivalentRate(day_count, compounding, freq, calc_date, d).rate()
spots.append(100 * eq_rate)