Los REIT son una bestia diferente a las acciones corporativas normales (como las $AAPL ). Aquí tienes un buen artículo para empezar. A partir de ahí puedes investigar más sobre lo que crees que necesitarás para evaluar realmente un REIT.
Cómo evaluar un fondo de inversión inmobiliaria (REIT)
When evaluating REITs, you will get a clearer picture by looking at funds from operations (FFO) rather than looking at net income. If you are seriously considering the investment, try to calculate adjusted funds from operations (AFFO), which deducts the likely expenditures necessary to maintain the real estate portfolio. AFFO is also a good measure of the REIT's dividend-paying capacity. Finally, the ratio price-to-AFFO and the AFFO yield (AFFO/price) are tools for analyzing an REIT: look for a reasonable multiple combined with good prospects for growth in the underlying AFFO.
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