2 votos

Calibración Heston con Quantlib y Python: fallo en la función BlackVarianceSurface

Tengo un error al intentar utilizar la fucnión BlackVarianceSurface de quantlib.

¿Puede ayudarme?

el error es RunTime Error: las fechas deben estar ordenadas de forma única.

    def IndexVolatilities2(calculation_date):

    spot = 2184.56
    strikePerc = [0.8,0.9,0.95,0.975,1,1.025,1.05,1.10,1.2]
    risk_free_rate = 0.0213
    dividend_rate = 0.006

    #vol is a sample matrix of volatility quote by expiry and strike
    #Following is a sample matrix of volatility quote by exipiry and strike. 
    #The volatilities are log-normal volatilities and can be interpolated to construct the implied volatility surface.

    p1m= calculation_date + ql.Period(1, ql.Months)
    p2m= calculation_date+ ql.Period(2, ql.Months)
    p3m= calculation_date+ ql.Period(3, ql.Months)
    p6m= calculation_date+ ql.Period(6, ql.Months)
    p9m= calculation_date+ ql.Period(9, ql.Months)
    p18m= calculation_date+ ql.Period(18, ql.Months)
    p1Y = calculation_date + ql.Period(1, ql.Years)
    p3Y = calculation_date + ql.Period(3, ql.Years)
    p4Y = calculation_date + ql.Period(4, ql.Years)
    p5Y = calculation_date + ql.Period(5, ql.Years)
    p7Y = calculation_date + ql.Period(7, ql.Years)
    p10Y = calculation_date + ql.Period(10, ql.Years)

    expiration_dates = [p1m, p2m, p3m, p6m, p9m,p18m,p1Y,p3Y,p4Y,p5Y,p7Y,p10Y]

    strikes = [p*spot for p in strikePerc]
    data =[
    [27.18000,  22.31000,   17.31000,   14.81000,   11.84000,   8.97000,    10.14000,   14.59000,   19.44000],
    [26.14000,  20.64000,   16.78000,   15.05000,   12.81000,   10.48000,   9.91000,    13.03000,   17.77000],
    [25.28000,  19.84000,   16.73000,   15.25000,   13.35000,   11.36000,   10.36000,   12.26000,   16.66000],
    [22.48000,  18.76000,   16.62000,   15.45000,   14.19000,   12.92000,   11.85000,   11.09000,   12.06000],
    [20.68000,  18.55000,   16.84000,   15.82000,   14.73000,   13.65000,   12.71000,   11.58000,   12.06000],
    [20.26000,  18.43000,   16.93000,   16.05000,   15.13000,   14.23000,   13.41000,   12.24000,   12.18000],
    [20.25000,  18.20000,   16.90000,   16.21000,   15.51000,   14.82000,   14.19000,   13.18000,   12.47000],
    [20.03000,  18.02000,   16.84000,   16.23000,   15.63000,   15.05000,   14.50000,   13.61000,   12.78000],
    [19.81000,  17.93000,   16.93000,   16.43000,   15.95000,   15.48000,   15.05000,   14.32000,   13.44000],
    [19.74000,  17.99000,   17.12000,   16.69000,   16.28000,   15.89000,   15.53000,   14.90000,   14.08000],
    [19.75000,  18.14000,   17.36000,   16.99000,   16.63000,   16.30000,   15.98000,   15.43000,   14.66000],
    [19.98000,  18.59000,   17.95000,   17.65000,   17.36000,   17.10000,   16.84000,   16.40000,   15.74000],
    [20.60000,  19.46000,   18.96000,   18.73000,   18.51000,   18.30000,   18.11000,   17.76000,   17.22000]]
    return expiration_dates,strikes,data,spot, risk_free_rate,dividend_rate

    calendar = ql.UnitedStates()
day_count = ql.Actual365Fixed()
calculation_date = ql.Date(25, 9, 2019)

#expiration_dates,strikes,data,spot, risk_free_rate,dividend_rate = IndexVolatilities1()
expiration_dates,strikes,data,spot, risk_free_rate,dividend_rate = IndexVolatilities2(calculation_date)

#build the vol surface (implied vols surface) and dividend and the interest rate curve
hestonParams=  HestonParameters(calculation_date, calendar, day_count, spot, risk_free_rate, dividend_rate, len(expiration_dates), strikes, data)
dividend_ts, flat_ts, implied_vols = hestonParams.dividend_ts, hestonParams.flat_ts, hestonParams.implied_vols

# Now the Black volatility surface can be constructed using the BlackVarianceSurface method.
black_var_surface = ql.BlackVarianceSurface(calculation_date, calendar, expiration_dates, strikes,implied_vols, day_count)


Brad Tutterow Puntos 5628

"Las fechas deben ser clasificadas como únicas". "Único", así que no puedes tener fechas repetidas en las entradas que pasas. Tienes dos copias de 1Y. Probablemente querías que la segunda fuera 2Y.

"Ordenados", así que no puedes tener el 18M antes del 1Y. Tienen que estar en el orden correcto en el tiempo.

0 votos

Gracias por el comentario. Lo he corregido pero sigo teniendo el mismo error. expiration_dates = [p1m, p2m, p3m, p6m, p9m,p18m,p1Y,p3Y,p4Y,p5Y,p7Y,p10Y]

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He editado la respuesta.

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Gracias. ¿Cómo se ordena el vector de fechas?


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