Estoy investigando
- Escenario 1: Le $10,000 of stock ABC at $ 100 por shar $6,000 cash so I buy the full $ 10k. Me encuentro $100 and I want more. Can I buy $ 2.000 más t
- Escenario 1a $1,000 cash where ABC is at $ 10 por acción. A $12 a share and I want to enter a margined position. My current equity is $ 1.200 así que compro $1,200 worth of ABC. Would this violate Regulation T because my original $ 1.000 do
- Hipótesis 1b $1,000 cash where ABC is at $ 10 la acción $8 a share and I want to enter a margined position. My current equity is $ 800 pero yo $1,000 worth of ABC. Would this violate Regulation T even though my original position open was $ 1,000?
- Escenario 2: Let's s $1,000 and stock XYZ has a margin debit of $ 500. Algunos $300. How does that apply to those margin debits? Is it even, meaning, now ABC has a debit of $ 850 y XYZ tiene $350 [Original Margin Debit - (Cash Deposit / Count of margined securities)]? Or maybe it credits the first balance? ABC was purchased on margin before XYZ was purchased on margin so the $ 300 depósito en efectivo cre $1,000 margin debit and brings it down to $ 700?
Estos son ver
EDIT: Añadido Sc