Intento calcular los intereses devengados de un conjunto de Bonos del Tesoro. Estoy comparando la respuesta del código siguiente con la del primer bono (fila) aquí . En el enlace la IA es 0.061
mientras que en el código de Python obtengo 0.125
y por lo tanto estoy tratando de entender dónde me estoy equivocando. Utilizo la fórmula de la IA disponible aquí .
#l contains the months to maturity
accrued_interest = 0
d_ordered = {}
l = [0]*59 # My set of Bonds (not included here) includes a 30 year to maturity Semi-Annual coupon bearing bond and hence l will have 59 periods
l[0] = 3 # I have a function (not included here) which calculates the difference in months between each of the coupon payments (and the settlement date and first coupon payment)
d_ordered[0] = l
coupon = 0.250
days_in_coupon_period = 180 #The Link contains half-yearly bonds
for i in range(0,1,1):
months_to_maturity_array = numpy.array(d_ordered[i])
for k in range(0,59,1):
# Adding the AI associated with each period k
accrued_interest = accrued_interest + ((coupon) * ((30*months_to_maturity_array[k]) /days_in_coupon_period))
print('AI', accrued_interest)