Traté de escribir un sistema de comercio en tiempo real, sin embargo, no sé cómo encajar un modelo de Kelly en el sistema. El sistema calculará automáticamente todos los días 12AM mientras que quiero añadir otra función que es auto orden colocada con ciertas apuestas (por el modelo de criterio Kelly aplicado) una vez conseguido el precio de pronóstico calculado.
Código fuente Sistema de negociación en tiempo real (prueba)
A continuación es la codificación que he intentado utilizar looping
para calcular el historial de datos, calcular el staking, profit & lose, y también bankroll.
## merge dataset
fitm <- cbind(fit1, forClose = fit2$Point.Forecast) %>% tbl_df
## convert to probability.
fitm %<>% mutate(ProbB = pnorm(Point.Forecast, mean = forClose, sd = sd(forClose)),
ProbS = 1 - ProbB) #ProbS = pnorm(Point.Forecast, mean = forClose, sd = sd(forClose), lower.tail = FALSE)
## The garch staking models (Kelly criterion) P&L column.
## staking model and bankroll management.
## need to refer to Niko Martinen's fund management formula to maximise the stakes and profit base on Kelly models.
#.... dynamic staking model need to adjusted based on updated bankroll but not portion of fixed USD100 per bet.
fitm %<>% mutate(BR = .initialFundSize) %>%
#'@ mutate(Return.Back = ifelse(Prob > 0.5, Diff * Back * stakes, 0),
#'@ Return.Lay = ifelse(Prob < 0.5, -Diff * Lay * stakes, 0))
mutate(fB = 2 * ProbB - 1, fS = 2 * ProbS - 1,
EUB = ProbB * log(BR * (1 + fB)) + (1 - ProbB) * log(BR * (1 - fB)),
EUS = ProbS * log(BR * (1 + fS)) + (1 - ProbS) * log(BR * (1 - fS)),
#'@ Edge = ifelse(f > 0, EUB, EUS), #For f > 0 need to buy and f <= 0 need to sell.
#need to study on the risk management on "predicted profit" and "real profit".
Edge = ifelse(fB > 0, EUB, ifelse(fS > 0, EUS, 0)),
PF = ifelse(Point.Forecast >= USDJPY.Low &
Point.Forecast <= USDJPY.High,
Point.Forecast, 0), #if forecasted place-bet price doesn't existing within Hi-Lo price, then the buying action is not stand. Assume there has no web bandwith delay.
FC = ifelse(forClose >= USDJPY.Low & forClose <= USDJPY.High,
forClose, USDJPY.Close), #if forecasted settle price doesn't existing within Hi-Lo price, then the closing action at closing price. Assume there has no web bandwith delay.
#'@ Diff = round(forClose - USDJPY.Close, 2),
##forecasted closed price minus real close price.
Buy = ifelse(PF > 0 & FC > PF, 1, 0), ##buy action
Sell = ifelse(PF > 0 & FC < PF, 1, 0), ##sell action
BuyS = Edge * Buy * (forClose - PF),
SellS = Edge * Sell * (PF - forClose),
Profit = BuyS + SellS, Bal = BR + Profit)
#'@ fitm %>% dplyr::select(Point.Forecast, forClose, Prob, BR, f, EU, Edge, PF, FC, Buy, Sell, SP, Bal)
#'@ fitm %>% dplyr::select(ProbB, ProbS, BR, fB, fS, EUB, EUS, Edge, PF, USDJPY.Open, FC, Buy, Sell, BuyS, SellS, Profit, Bal) %>% filter(PF > 0, FC > 0)
## The garch staking models (Kelly criterion) Adjusted Banl-roll and Balance column.
for(i in seq(2, nrow(fitm))) {
fitm$BR[i] = fitm$Bal[i - 1]
fitm$fB[i] = 2 * fitm$ProbB[i] - 1
fitm$fS[i] = 2 * fitm$ProbS[i] - 1
fitm$EUB[i] = fitm$ProbB[i] * log(fitm$BR[i] * (1 + fitm$fB[i])) +
(1 - fitm$ProbB[i]) * log(fitm$BR[i] * (1 - fitm$fB[i]))
fitm$EUS[i] = fitm$ProbS[i] * log(fitm$BR[i] * (1 + fitm$fS[i])) +
(1 - fitm$ProbS[i]) * log(fitm$BR[i] * (1 - fitm$fS[i]))
fitm$Edge[i] = ifelse(fitm$fB[i] > 0, fitm$EUB[i],
ifelse(fitm$fS[i] > 0, fitm$EUS[i], 0)) #For f > 0 need to buy and f <= 0 need to sell.
#need to study on the risk management on "predicted profit" and "real profit".
fitm$BuyS[i] = fitm$Edge[i] * fitm$Buy[i] * (fitm$forClose[i] - fitm$PF[i])
fitm$SellS[i] = fitm$Edge[i] * fitm$Sell[i] * (fitm$PF[i] - fitm$forClose[i])
fitm$Profit[i] = fitm$BuyS[i] + fitm$SellS[i]
fitm$Bal[i] = fitm$BR[i] + fitm$Profit[i]
#'@ if(fitm$Bal[i] <= 0) stop('All invested fund ruined!')
}; rm(i)
names(mbase) <- str_replace_all(names(mbase), '^(.*?)+\\.', nm)
if(.filterBets == TRUE) {
fitm %<>% filter(PF > 0, FC > 0)
fitm %<>% mutate(RR = Bal/BR)
## convert the log leverage value of fund size and profit into normal digital figure with exp().
if(.fundLeverageLog == TRUE) fitm %<>%
mutate(BR = exp(BR), BuyS = exp(BuyS), SellS = exp(SellS),
Profit = exp(Profit), Bal = exp(Profit))
Código fuente simStakesGarch.R