Lo siento si estoy un poco equivocado en esto hizo el IMC hace mucho tiempo, pero antes del precio de cierre de la subasta que es el cierre EOD hay el precio de apertura de la subasta.
Un consejo para la búsqueda en Bloomberg, cuando se puede utilizar uno, es cargar el valor que necesita y luego escribir FLDS, a continuación, utilizar esto para buscar lo que su después, la pantalla FLDS muestra todos los campos disponibles para el ticker introducido, y si son históricos o en tiempo real y el nombre del campo.
PQ814 - Official Open Auction Price (OFFICIAL_OPEN_AUCTION_PRICE)
Official open auction price represents the price at which at which all orders had been
executed upon conclusion of the opening auction call trading phase.
The associated executed volume is available in the accompanying field Official Open Auction
Volume (PQ815, OFFICIAL_OPEN_AUCTION_VOLUME) and Official Open Auction Volume Realtime
Only the opening auction call is represented by this field. For other auction calls, the Official
Auction Price (PQ049, PX_OFFICIAL_AUCTION) and Official Auction Price (Realtime) (RQ443,
PX_OFFICIAL_AUCTION_RT) field (for all types of auction call) and Official Close Auction Price
(PQ816, OFFICIAL_CLOSE_AUCTION_PRICE) and Official Close Auction Price Realtime (RQ816,
OFFICIAL_CLOSE_AUCTION_PRICE_RT) (for the closing auction call) are available.
The price and size at which orders would be executed were the auction call to conclude at the
current time, otherwise known as the indicative or theoretical uncrossing price/size, are
available during the auction call in Theoretical Price
(PR089, PX_THEO) and Theoretical Price (RQ089, THEO_PRICE) and Theoretical Volume (PR160, PX_VOLUME_THEO) and Theoretical Volume (RQ160, VOLUME_THEO) respectively. These field values may also persist upon the actual conclusion of the auction call.
The field is cleared upon receipt of the new market day event, i.e. at the beginning of each new trading day (typically several hours before market open).
current value available, historical values available